The problem with Amazon...

The problem with amazon, is that we've all come to expect our deliveries... tomorrow!


So when we order something that's not on amazon and it says it's going to take *shock, horror*  FIVE business days, I'm going to take a wild guess that we get a smidge... impatient, am I right?!


How does this relate to your pelvic floor..?


I'll tell you.


I get DMs on a literal DAILY basic from people who say "I have this issue, or that issue. Do you think I can fix it without surgery..?"


To which I always respond "surgery should always be a last resort. Which exercises have you being doing already to help with this?"


To which the response is almost always... "nothing" 👀

Or... "I tried some exercises for one day, but it didn't help so I stopped".


And then there's this other question I get asked which is "I've just finished Day 2 of your program but i'm feeling super frustrated because I'm still having symptoms, and I can't understand why it's not working"


To which I usually respond something along the lines of "this is a 6 week program, not a 2 day program. If i could get you results in 2 days, trust me, I would have made this a 2 day program!"


My point is, we have become an instant gratification culture. Expecting immediate results. Considering surgery as a supposed "quick fix" instead of actually doing the work. Wondering why 2 days of workouts aren't getting us the results we'd hoped for...


Working out is not for losing weight, or for "getting fit". It's for living in a strong, functional, PAIN FREE body.


I am not Jeff Bezos. I can't get you results by tomorrow. But if you put in the work, and stay the course, I CAN help you:

  • Close your diastasis naturally
  • Stop leaking during exercise
  • Reduce prolapse symptoms
  • Eliminate back, tailbone and hip pain
  • Feel strong and capable again
  • And so much more!


All with just 10-30 minutes a day.


Are you ready to put in the work?! Join the Mama Method!


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