The problem with amazon, is that we've all come to expect our deliveries... tomorrow!
So when we order something that's not on amazon and it says it's going to take *shock, horror* FIVE business days, I'm going to take a wild guess that we get a smidge... impatient, am I right?!
How does this relate to your pelvic floor..?
I'll tell you.
I get DMs on a literal DAILY basic from people who say "I have this issue, or that issue. Do you think I can fix it without surgery..?"
To which I always respond "surgery should always be a last resort. Which exercises have you being doing already to help with this?"
To which the response is almost always... "nothing" 👀
Or... "I tried some exercises for one day, but it didn't help so I stopped".
And then there's this other question I get asked which is "I've just finished Day 2 of your program but i'm feeling super frustrated because I'm still having symptoms, and I can't understand why it's not working"
To which I usually respond something along the lines of "this is a 6 week program, not a 2 day program. If i could get you results in 2 days, trust me, I would have made this a 2 day program!"
My point is, we have become an instant gratification culture. Expecting immediate results. Considering surgery as a supposed "quick fix" instead of actually doing the work. Wondering why 2 days of workouts aren't getting us the results we'd hoped for...
Working out is not for losing weight, or for "getting fit". It's for living in a strong, functional, PAIN FREE body.
I am not Jeff Bezos. I can't get you results by tomorrow. But if you put in the work, and stay the course, I CAN help you:
All with just 10-30 minutes a day.
Are you ready to put in the work?! Join the Mama Method!
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