If you know me, you've probablyĀ heard me say before that it takes 4-6 weeks of consistent workouts to notice a significant change in the body. And just 72 hours before we start to loose some of that fabulous muscle tone we've worked so hard for.Ā
Now don't let that discourage you. On the contrary.Ā Personally I think that might be the most motivating thing I've ever heard!
And since there is just under 6 weeks left of 2020, it's the perfect amount of time to get a really good head start on our 2021 workout goals. Because why wait til January 1st when we can do it now?!
So unless you are injured or sick, you want to make sure that you don't ever leave 3 full days in between your workouts. Why? BecauseĀ the body CRAVES movement.Ā And because working out will make you feel AMAZING!
If you get your workouts in this week for no other reason thanĀ because it makes you feel amazing,Ā then my work here is done my friends!
So let's get those workouts scheduled in!
My top tip for you this week ...
50% Complete
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